*things that make life better*
queer eye for the straight guy marathons- this is the best show idea in a long, long time. the blonde one makes me laugh out loud! i think they should have queer eye for the straight girl. lots of women need help, too!
chocolate peanut butter ice cream- baskin robbins, straight to the thighs but i don't give a damn. i'll say it again. i don't give a goddamn.
4 day weekends- sometimes i don't know what to do with myself when i'm handed so much free time. i need to learn not to waste it. i knitted today. i also cleaned but i think that's a waste of time. i must learn to stop wasting time. i want to fly my kite soon.
windy days and nights- all the windows are open to clear the air in here. there's nice cross-breeze action going on. it's the perfect temp. right now.
merlot- if anyone needs to relax, it's me and this seems to be the only way.

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