my mother. i don't talk to her enough and i don't visit her enough.
she's the most selfless person i know - besides bryan.
she only gives and whenever she gets, she cries.
her current job is slowly driving her into the ground. it's horrible for her self esteem.
she works in a very small office with 3 other people. one of them - the boss - smokes in the office (there aren't rules for this in north carolina).
the 'office' is actually in a house so there are no regulations. but there should be.
her 3 coworkers are assholes who make her feel sad constantly.
my mother thrives in social situations and needs people and positive interactions in order to be fed and fulfilled.
this job is sucking all of her happiness out and it's not worth it. but until she finds a better job she cannot leave this current hellish situation.
i feel so sad for her. she's been there for a year.
if you ask me, it's the people who make a job good or bad. they can make it or break it.
i love her so much and only want the best for her and it hurts me to know she is hurting 5 days a week, 9 hours a day. 45 hours.
she doesn't even get a lunch hour or breaks.
i'm lighting a green candle for her.
i tell her i love her right before i hang up. every time.
i miss her.
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